Potent Disinfectant: Sodium Hypochlorite SDS

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  • Read – Sodium Hypochlorite SDS!
  • Product Namely: Sodium Hypochlorite Solution.
  • Signal Sign: Danger!
  • Synonyms: Bleach sol.


  • Eye & Skin corrosion, irritability, or harmful to the skin & eyes.
  • damage to the eyes & serious burns to the skin
  • A substance that is frequently used & renowned for its potent disinfection and oxidising abilities is sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl). It is frequently utilised as a bleaching agent, water treatment, & sanitation in industrial, commercial, & domestic contexts.
  • Strong oxidizer sodium hypochlorite can ignite spontaneous combustion when combined with organic materials. Additionally, it is corrosive & can seriously harm the skin, eyes, & respiratory system.
  • The eyes, skin, & respiratory system all suffer serious irritation & harm from exposure to sodium hypochlorite. If consumed or inhaled, it can potentially harm the liver, kidneys, & central nervous system.
  • Personal protective equipment: When handling sodium hypochlorite, gloves, goggles, & face masks or respirators should always be worn. When handling the chemical, wear a lab coat, eye protection, & facial protection to prevent contact with the skin & eyes.


Component Name CAS Number Formula Formula Weight Concentration
Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 NaOCl 74.44 5-12.5%
Water 7732-18-5 H2O 18.00 87.5-95%
  • A chemical compound called sodium hypochlorite is made up of atoms of sodium, oxygen, & chlorine. It is a transparent, colourless liquid with a distinct chlorine odour.


  • If you feel unwell, contact a doctor.
  • If inhaled: Remove the victim to fresh air & keep them at rest in a breathing-friendly position.
  • If in the eyes: Carefully rinse for a few minutes with water. If contact lenses are present & simply possible to remove, do so. Rinsing continues.
  • If on the Skin: Use lots of water for washing.
  • If  Swallowed: Rinse your mouth. If you feel sick, make a doctor’s appointment.
  • Remove the contaminated clothes & wash them before reuse.


  • It is not flammable.
  • It is not combustible sol.
  • The involvement of contacting it with strong oxidizers can produce fire.
  • Use carbon dioxide, foam, dry chemicals, or water spray.


  • Ventilate the area.
  • Use sand or other absorbent material to contain spills.
  • place in an airtight bag or container to dispose of.


  • Store alongside perchloric acid, peroxides, chlorates, bromates, iodates, & chlorites.
  • Keep the lid firmly shut while using this product.
  • Store sodium hypochlorite away from heat sources & ignition sources in a place that’s cool, dry, & well-ventilated. Keep the substance away from children & pets. It should be clearly marked as dangerous & kept in plastic or glass containers.


  • Wear safety gear, including gloves, clothes, & eye protection.
  • After handling, carefully wash your hands.
  • Use only in a well-ventilated room or under a hood.


  • Appearance: It appears colourless to light yellowish.
  • Odour: Characteristic smell as is bleaching odor.
  • pH: Basic nature.
  • Melting Point: It only appears in water as a solution.
  • Boiling Point: It only appears in water as a solution.


  • Avoid coming into contact with strong mineral acids, reducers, or high heat.
  • It has a poor shelf life.


  • Acute Impacts: Nausea, vomiting, somnolence, irritation & corrosion of the skin, eyes, & respiratory system.
  • Chronic consequences: N.A.
  • Targeted organs: respiratory system, eyes, & skin.


  • It is toxic to aquatic life of organisms.
  • Nonetheless, due to the substance’s high level of reactivity, any sodium hypochlorite used in the home will react with organic materials & be eliminated before contaminating the environment.
  • It is used in drinking water because of being a chloric compound & in pools(swimming) for disinfection & to kill all microbes.
  • It is not bioaccumulative & will not persist in the environment.


  • Dispose of in accordance with local, state, & federal rules or laws.
  • The disposal of sodium hypochlorite should be handled as hazardous waste and in conformity with all applicable municipal, state, & federal laws. It shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet or sink. Any large amount of the chemical should be disposed of by contacting a reputable disposal business.


  • Name of shipment: Unrestricted. Risk category: N/A. UN identifier: N/A.


  • Sodium hypochlorite is not a substance which is listed as a regulated substance & actually, chlorine is a regulated element. So, when assessing whether a process is covered, the amount of elemental chlorine (or any other controlled element) present in the process must be taken into account.


This Sodium Hypochlorite SDS is intended as a guide & is based on data & tests that are likely to be reliable. I don’t guarantee the data’s correctness or completeness & I’m not responsible for any resulting losses. The information is only being provided for your review, research, & verification. I DO NOT ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIM LIABILITY FOR LOSS, DAMAGE OR EXPENSE RESULTING FROM OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE HANDLING, STORAGE, USE OR DISPOSAL OF THIS PRODUCT FOR THE FOREGOING AND OTHER REASONS.

Sodium Hypochlorite SDS


Although sodium hypochlorite is a substance that is frequently used & is well known for its potent oxidising & cleansing abilities, improper handling can be dangerous. It is corrosive, a powerful oxidant that can seriously harm the skin, eyes, & respiratory system, & when combined with organic materials, it can produce spontaneous combustion. It’s critical to handle it cautiously, wear PPE, store it in a cold, dry, & well-ventilated space away from heat sources and ignition sources, & dispose of it legally in accordance with the rules. To guarantee a safe working environment, it is crucial to adhere to proper handling methods & safety precautions. One should follow Sodium Hypochlorite SDS while working with this product.

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