Product Identification
- Read – Paraffin Wax SDS!
- Product Name: Paraffin Wax.
- Chemical Family: Hydrocarbon.
- CAS Number: 8002-74-2.
- Formula: (CnH2n+2).
- Appearance: Solid, white or pale yellow.
- Odour: Odorless.
- Solubility: Insoluble in water, soluble in organic solvents.
- Burnable liquids & solids.
- May irritate the skin & eyes.
- Gastrointestinal discomfort after consumption is possible.
- Dust may irritate the respiratory system.
Handling & Storage
- Store in a dry, cool area.
- Close the container firmly.
- Avert contact with the eyes & skin.
- Utilize sufficient ventilation.
- Put on the proper personal protection gear, such as gloves & safety glasses.
- Keep heat, sparks, & open flames at a distance.
Spill or Leak Procedures
- If it can be done safely, stop the leak.
- Utilize an inert, absorbent substance to absorb.
- Don’t make any dust.
- Wear the proper personal protection gear.
- According to local, state, & federal regulations, clean up the spill & discard the waste.
Fire & Explosion Hazards
- Keep heat, sparks, & open flames at a distance.
- Extinguish with water, foam, or CO2.
- Follow all applicable local, state, & federal requirements when disposing of the material.

Paraffin wax, which is typically used in candles, wax paper, as a lubricant, is a white or colourless, odourless, tasteless, waxy material generated from petroleum, coal, or shale oil.
Paraffin wax, which is typically used in candles, wax paper, as a lubricant, is a white or colourless, odourless, tasteless, waxy material generated from petroleum, coal, or shale oil. When carrying out necessary laboratory precautions and protocols, such as donning the proper personal protective equipment, identifying the substance properly, & disposing of it properly, it is typically safe to handle. When handling any laboratory reagents, including Paraffin wax, it is crucial to constantly adhere to good laboratory practises & standard operating procedures as well as to utilise the appropriate personal protection equipment. Please seek emergency medical assistance if any unfavourable reaction takes place. It must be handled carefully because it is combustible in both solid & vapour form, it should be stored in a cold, dry location away from heat, sparks, & open flames. One should read Paraffin Wax SDS before working with it,